2. "Legal Corruption"-- Top Three Illinois "Municipal" Employees Don't Even Work for Government. Probably the most egregious example of - "insiders gaming the system for personal gain"- are the top three "municipal" salaries of 2014:
Illinois Municipal League Larry Frang ($392,423)
Illinois Association of Park Districts Peter Murphy ($360,553)
Park District Risk Management Association Brett Davis ($305,278)
Employed in the private sector, these chiefs don't even work for government, but special legislation "muscled" them into the government pension systems.
Please click here to read more at Forbes today
3. Nerds that Glitter-- School District Treasurers. The bean counters really have a sweet deal.
Thornton Township's Eugene Varnado pulled in $239,688 while running his CPA firm
Bloom Township's Robert Grossi hauled in $230,318
North Shore SD 112's Mohsin Dada double dipped the Teacher's Retirement System and the Illinois Municipal pensions for a combined 2014 income of over $485,000! Mohsin's pension from the Teacher's Retirement System is over $240,000 and his new income from North Shore School District 112 is $245,880-- up from $202,903 just two years ago in 2012.
Read more at Forbes - it's local treasurers, human resource managers, attorneys and more gaming the Illinois pay and pension systems.
4. Rank-and-file DuPage County employees racking up millions in pay and pensions. DuPage County has a history of living large.
In 2002, county administrator Donald Zeilenga pulled in $383,156.
In 2009, state's attorney bureau chief Michael Wolfe hauled in $340,630.
In 2011, county engineer Charles Tokarski made $340,147.
In 2014, first assistant state's attorney Nancy Wolfe spiked to $248,083.
In fact, in 2014, DuPage County had ten employees collectively earn more than $2.021 million! Now, is that "Moving DuPage Forward"?
Read more at Forbes regarding "The 'Big Dogs" of Illinois Municipal Government'

5. The managers of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund are racking up terrific pay hikes: Over the last two years, Chief Investment Officer Shah Dhvani's pensionable salary increased from $208,003 to $286,826. Executive Director Louis Kosiba's salary has increased from $126,703 in 2001 to $242,518 in 2014- the- same job title and duties and an $116,000 pay hike.
Read my Forbes column today
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