1. How many days of paid time off do employees of Metro Nashville Public Schools get and who has the most?
A: Employees get between 10 and 25 vacation days every year, and 12 sick days. They can bank up to 50 vacation days to be paid they leave the district. Sick days can be accumulated throughout their employment.
They also get a few: Personal, Professional and Religious days. The vast majority of days saved are sick days.
There are 600 people who have 6 months or more of time off accumulated (1,056 hours), those people have worked for 30-40 years.
The average person has 44 work days accumulated, which is two months — the average principal has almost three times as much — 122 days accumulated, which is 5 ½ months’ worth of working days.
2. How does this compare to other school districts?
A: We looked at Clark County Schools in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The average person there has 35 days accumulated, so Metro has 9 days more on average. And their average principal has 72 days accumulated, so not nearly as much as Metro’s principals’ 122 days.
Clark County schools have many more people who have 6 months or more of unused time but they’re a much larger district with about three times as many employees, so the averages are more telling than totals.