1. Just how much money is flowing into Maryland universities from foreign nations?
Countries try to buy foreign influence in higher education and it’s worrisome because three of the top donors across America are Qatar, Saudi Arabia and China, each contributing billions to American universities.
Universities in Maryland have accepted $65 million from Saudi Arabia, $32 million from China, and almost $4 million from Qatar
Saudi Arabia tortures people, they hold unfair trials that end in the death penalty and women have few rights, and are required to have male guardians
In China, people don’t have freedom of speech, or freedom to practice their religion of choice, they’re tortured, have forced abortions and forced sterilization, state-sponsored forced labor and more.
And a third of China’s gifts to Maryland universities are “restricted” — meaning China dictates how the money gets spent.
2. How does the money break down by university?
Almost all the foreign money ($1.4 billion) went to Johns Hopkins. Most of that is from American allies like England and Germany, but they also accepted $55 million from Saudi Arabia and gifts from China and Qatar.
The University of Maryland system took $121 million in foreign gifts. Money from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Almost all their Saudi Arabia money is “restricted.”
Towson University has only accepted gifts from Saudi Arabia, no other foreign country.
Frostburg State has only $7 million for a restricted contract from China. No other foreign funding.
What is all that money being used for?
Johns Hopkins accepted $55 million from Saudi Arabia. The world-class medical school at Johns Hopkins partnered with Saudi Aramco — the massive Saudi energy company — on a medical campus in Saudi Arabia. The United Nations has warned Saudi Aramco that its contributions to climate change are a
human rights abuse.
Some of the money is to confer degrees in other countries.
United Arab Emirates sponsored $50 million at Johns Hopkins to make a medical research facility named after
Sheikh Khalifa, the country’s former president who oversaw the torture of prisoners and violently put down pro-democracy movements. Johns Hopkins added
three more facilities in Abu Dhabi.
Frostburg State is paying professors to teach classes at Hunan University in China and give degrees to Chinese students.
4. If these foreign gifts aren’t affecting U.S. finances, why should taxpayers be concerned about them?
These universities are taxpayer-funded and should be operating in the best interest of the American taxpayer.
Even private universities have billions of dollars of federal contracts and grants flowing in that help them grow their endowments.
Earlier this year there were mass protests in support of Hamas at colleges in Maryland and around the country. It’s possible those will continue this school year.
Now consider that $1 of every $5 universities received from foreign gifts comes from just four Middle Eastern countries: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.
If protests continue, it’s important to keep in mind who’s funding these universities.