Gateway Pundit: Nation of Islam's Leader Received $100,000 in Farm Subsidies in Hyde Park, Chicago

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Nation of Islam's Leader Received $100,000 in Farm Subsidies in Hyde Park, Chicago

By: Jim Hoft
December 10, 2013
Your tax dollars at work…
Millions of dollars in farm subsidies were given to city dwellers including over $100,000 to Louis Farrakhan in Hyde Park!
farrakhans home
Louis Farrakhan’s home in Hyde Park, Illinois.
Open the Books just completed and released a new report called, "The Federal Transfer Report- Farm Subsidies & The Big Dogs"
Within the report, the group discovered this…
Case Study Example: Three Year Economic Savings Program, Inc., Hyde Park, 60615
A non-profit organization called Three Year Economic Savings Program, Inc received 19 payments totaling $103,529 (2008-11). The address matches Louis Farrakhan’s home and mosque address.
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) shows the organization as located at the residence of The Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan. As the top recipient of farm subsidies in the Hyde Park neighborhood, it ranked twelfth amongst all Chicago recipients. The Illinois Secretary of State website has the entity’s status as "Not Good Standing," clink here. Through the website, the organization is still accepting donations.
The mosque was repurchased and rededicated by Minister Louis Farrakhan in 1988 through efforts and sacrifices of the Nation of Islam and supporters worldwide. It was named Maryam after the mother of Jesus, Maryam (Mary). This is to identify it as a holy place from which men and women come forth reborn and transformed with a renewed mind in service of God to fallen humanity.
Additionally- "Three Year Economic Savings Program, Inc." received a $26,367 "commodity loan" issued by the USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation Fund: to improve & stabilize farm income, assist with a better balance between supply and demand of the commodities.
Read the original article, click here. 
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