Maryland State Employees Maryland

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Results: Top 10,000 of 987,482 salaries found.
Year Employer Name Title Annual Wages Source
2021 University of Maryland Gattu Kanchana $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Molitoris Jason K $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Kofinas Peter $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Krishnaprasad Perinkulam $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 Maryland State Police Mondor Robert J $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Rea Jeffrey $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Galey Jessica $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Han Yueyang $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 Maryland Department of Health Grieger Thomas $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 Maryland Department of Transportation Pervall Gina C $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland See Vincent Y $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Venhaus John M $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Wang Jian Ying $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Bharadwaj Shobana $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 Maryland Higher Education Commission Colleges and Universities Nowaczyk Ronald H $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 Maryland Higher Education Commission Colleges and Universities Defilippis Brian J $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 Maryland Higher Education Commission Colleges and Universities Smith Darlene B $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Simard J M $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Graciano Ana L $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Chahal Diljon S $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Lewis George K $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Weiler Peter B $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Chatrath Monika $275,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2023 Maryland Department of Health Dunning Kathy $275,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Gulati Mangla S $275,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Lowe Tao L $275,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2022 Hagerstown Community College James S Klauber Sr President $274,692.22 Hagerstown Community College
2023 College of Southern Maryland Murphy Maureen Former President $274,038.50 College of Southern Maryland
2022 University of Maryland Jackson Bryon P $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Krause Eric M $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Ng Vincent Y $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Ning Yi $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Zhu Xiaoping $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Braguinsky Serguey $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Graciano Ana L $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 Maryland Department of Health Cookzivic Amanda $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Pessoa Luiz $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Bloch Robert J $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Slezak Sheri $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Orris Erika R $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Molitoris Jason $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Hann Il Horn $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2023 Maryland Higher Education Commission Colleges and Universities Amoussou Guy-Alain $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Bafford Andrea C $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Nagarsheth Khanjan H $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Jakhete Neha $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Ozbay Erkut $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Devoe Donald L $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Loboda Tatiana V $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Khaligh Alireza $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Dickerson Russell R $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Cummings Michael P $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2019 University of Maryland Slutzky Pablo G $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Czinn Steven J $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Birukova Anna A $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Greene Richard L $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Bailey Joseph P $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Mark Katrina $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 Maryland State Retirement Agency Ferguson David E $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Yared Jean A $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Williams Richelle T $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Dimino Mark D $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Levy Doron $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2020 University of Maryland Goldman Howard $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Bjarnadottir Margret $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Mcdonough Timothy J $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Milchberg Howard M $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Mix Kelly S $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Takeuchi Ichiro $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Birukov Konstantin $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Lewis George K $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Dezso Cristian $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Feliciano David $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Kottilil Shyamasundar $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Tesoriero Ronald B $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Ephremides Anthony $274,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2023 University of Maryland Sullivan Joseph H $274,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2020 University of Maryland Wilson Earl $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Abed Eyad $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Foulk Trevor A $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Jakhete Neha $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Mas Valeria R $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Parker Susan W $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2022 University of Maryland Unal Haluk $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2017 University of Maryland Wong-You-Cheong Jade J $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission Unger Larry D $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2021 University of Maryland Ravel Jacques $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Garcia Julieann R $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Zhang Jie $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Yi Byong Y $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2018 University of Maryland Gordon Lawrence A $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Mishra Mark V $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2019 University of Maryland Colgan Richard $273,000.00 Office of the State Comptroller
2023 University of Maryland Yu Min $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Hirsch Jeffrey D $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Prasad Kislaya $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Duraiswami Ramani $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Mitchell David B $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Carr Catherine E $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
2023 University of Maryland Chang Gang-Len $273,000.00 Comptroller of Maryland
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