1. How does the rest of the spending break down?
This is spending the county does outside paying its employees to run the county, it’s to third-party, outside vendors.
According to quarterly spending reports, the $350 million was paid to paving, concrete and masonry companies, engineers, architects, and other construction-related contractors, as well as equipment rental companies, flooring companies, carpenters, electricians, roofers, fencers, landscapers, painters and more.
The reports list vendor names and amount paid, but no other details, including specifically why they were paid or which county department used their services, so it’s a bit opaque.
Besides construction spending, one of the largest areas of spending was the at least $312 million was spent on healthcare/medical services and insurance, health insurance for employees, payments to University Medical Center, assisted living facilities and individual healthcare providers.
And hundreds of millions on technology vendors like Microsoft, Dell, HP, Adobe and Oracle, and transportation vendors like airlines and a jet fuel supply company for Harry Reid International Airport, as well as auto dealerships and auto body and parts companies.
2. How does the county’s spending compare to previous years?
The county’s spending on outside vendors has doubled since 2015.
It had been increasing about $100 million a year for several years, but in the last two years, it has increased by $200 million every year, a 10% increase.
3. How much are our local cities paying vendors?
A $200 million increase by the county is a lot, and percentagewise it’s a 10% increase from the year before,
But the City of Las Vegas increased its vendor spending by 21% in one year, paying its vendors $766 million last year, up from $634 million the year before.
While both the cities of Henderson and North Las Vegas increased their vendor spending by 4%.
(City of Henderson paid its vendors $415.5 million, up from $400 million the year before, a 4% increase)
(City of North Las Vegas paid its vendors $356 million, up from $343 million the year before, a 4% increase)