Editor Note: We first started the expose of this case on May 28, 2013 with our subscriber email: "Your Call to Action". Many thanks to the folks who gave us substantial and meaningful tips on this case.
"CNSI has not solicited Illinois…"
Kathryn Harris
Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel
Client Network Services, Inc (CNSI)
Comment Posted 6/30/13, Edgar County Watchdogs Website
Why did the General Counsel for an Obama Care contractor post blog comments on a Southern Illinois watchdog’s website?
Follow the Obama Care money…
Is it a legal loophole or a violation of Illinois law?
Illinois has had so much corruption in procurement that strict mandatory bidding and procurement is required. Sadly, the legislature left a loophole large enough to drive a bus through, and now the Illinois governor is using it to circumvent procurement of huge contracts…
The state is using an Intergovernmental Agreement with Michigan to tie Illinois to a Michigan contract currently implementing Obama Care. Taxpayers are already on the hook for up to $190 million, all without a competitive bidding process.
Here’s how it works. Illinois Gov. Quinn;
1. Signed a vague 4 page, Illinois-Michigan Intergovernmental Agreement paying Michigan $5 million in exchange for planning;
2. Established an expensive 10 person for $275,000 per month "Planning Commission", here.
3. Authorized "contract extensions" from Michigan for ILLINOIS WORK, here.
All of this was done with without any request for proposal. There was no consultation with state legislature.
Is this legal loophole just a new scheme to steer multi-million dollar contracts?
Instead of formally "soliciting" Illinois- CNSI actually planned the project! Illinois, Michigan, and CNSI are the only "Project Sponsors" and only members of the "Executive Steering Committee". Click here.
Does one company, CNSI get to trade on government information, plan implementation, potentially fence out competitors, and then procure the public contracts? Read this email.
What is CNSI’s background?
- The Times-Picayune, Greater New Orleans, "Grand jury looking at possible criminal activity in state Medicaid contract", click here.
- The Advocate, Baton Rouge, "Jindal Cancels Contract- Action follows Grand Jury Probe of CNSI Medicaid Award", click here.
- CIO Magazine, "Maine’s Medicaid Mistakes", click here. From the scathing autopsy report, "With the Medicaid program accounting for one-third of the entire state budget, Maine’s finances were in shambles, threatening the state’s financial stability and its credit rating"
South Dakota:
- Aberdeen News, Pierre, South Dakota, "Medicaid system is unfinished, faces millions of dollars in cost over-runs", click here. $19 million more needed. Work stopped for three years.
- Southeast Michigan Health Information Exchange v. CNSI, read complaint here. BEFORE Illinois contracted with Michigan, the only Michigan approved health care exchange sued CNSI alleging significant breach of contract.
With an October 1st deadline, Obama Care implementation in Illinois is a mess…. Governor Quinn needs to "Open The Books" on hundreds of millions in database contract work.
Let’s see the gory details.
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