"Climate Change is the Greatest Threat to the United States"
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
Democratic Presidential Debate | October 14, 2015
The EPA is ready for the fight in ways
most taxpayers couldn't have imagined.
The 'Climate Change Liberation Army'
Forbes | October 21, 2015
Why does the EPA need a a $715 million police force, $170 million PR Machine, a nearly $1 billion employment agency for seniors, and a $1.2 billion in-house law firm?
In the Democratic Presidential debate last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders stated that the greatest threat to the United States was "climate change."
The EPA is ready for the fight in ways most taxpayers couldn't have imagined.
Since 2006, the EPA Criminal Enforcement Program spent approximately $715 million fighting 'enviro-crime.' With 200 Special Agents, the EPA also spent millions of dollars on military-style weaponry:
Guns and ammo up to 30MM (and, also up to 300MM), body armor, camouflage and deceptive equipment, unmanned aircraft, night vision, radar equipment, tactical sets, kits, and outfits, transport vehicles passenger and troop, and much more...
- Why does the EPA need 1,020 lawyers and 200 Public Affairs Officers?
- Did the EPA spend more on lawyers ($1.2 billion since 2007) than chemists, general health scientists, ecologists, chemists, microbiologists, geologists, hydrologists, toxicologists, biologists, physical scientists, and health physicists combined?
- What about the $144 million in performance bonuses were awarded at EPA since 2007 - with the top bonuses at $60,000 a year?
- Is the EPA funding the 'Environmental Justice' movement across the world?
- Does the EPA 'Senior Citizen Pay' program allow earning of only $7.87 per hour?
National Earned Media Highlighting our EPA Oversight Report:
The Wall Street Journal editorial by Tom Coburn, Bret Baier Special Report and The O'Reilly Factor at FOX News, Stephen Moore at Investor's Business Daily, The Drudge Report, Stuart Varney & Co. at FOX Business, The Washington Times' Golden Hammer Award to EPA, Washington Free Beacon, Franklin Center for Public Integrity, American Spectator, Human Events and others.
Read the latest - a quick summary of our EPA findings - at Forbes today, click here.
Adam Andrzejewski (say: Angie-f-ski)
Chairman, American Transparency
Matthew Tyrmand
Deputy Director
P.S. please help us with $25 today - we are capturing "every dime taxed and spent from every unit of government across America."