Track Government Spending With Your Phone
A new app allows taxpayers to search spending by ZIP code.
The Wall Street Journal May 29, 2013
Appearing in today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal on page A13, our opinion editorial- Track Government Spending on Your Phone- was published. Click here to read.
From the op-ed, here are a couple excerpts:
With the United States drowning in runaway spending and debt now nearing $17 trillion, Americans might like to know where Uncle Sam is stashing their cash. Now they can. As long as you have the Web or a smartphone, you can track federal spending down to your own neighborhood. Be prepared, though, because the results aren’t pretty.
If you download the app and put in your ZIP Code, what "essential" spending will you find in your town and state? With 12 years of contracts, farm subsidies, grants, loans, insurance and direct payments, it’s nearly certain you’ll find some local business, citizen or organization receiving a piece of the federal pie… click here to read more.
What’s most shocking about the federal checkbook? Washington DC is spreading the wealth to the wealthy. In my hometown of Hinsdale-IL, the local Lamborghini auto dealer received a taxpayer guaranteed low interest loan for $1.5 million.
Visit the website, or download free in The App Store or the Google Play Store.

Adam Andrzejewski
Founder, Open The
PS. Can we count on your support right away? Donate today to help upgrade our app with social media sharing capability. Please give a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500.